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How to take great car photos when selling your car! 9 Pro Tips.

How to take great car photos when selling your car! 9 Pro Tips. - LetsDoCars

You want to sell your car, but there hundreds if not thousand of the same car brand and model. So how do you stand out? Well, the simple answer is with great photos. Something so simple, yet again sellers fail over and over again to present their cars for sale properly. In this section, we will give you a step-by-step guide on how to take great car photos when selling your car to highly increase your chances of selling quickly. Another greatly important aspect is the car description which you can read more on how to write the perfect car description here.

Prepare your car

Do not underestimate the importance of a clean car. Put yourself into a potential buyers position. Would you be interested in a car if it was dirty in the photos? Very likely not. So spend some time and ensure that your car is in mint condition before you even start thinking about the photos. That is both for a clean exterior and very importantly the interior.


This is an unknown parameter to many but think about it. How many times do you look at the surroundings of the car in the photo? Quite a lot isn’t it? Now assume you are looking at the same car. In the first photo, the car is surrounded by other cars, with no clear background and the second photo, the car is photographed alone, in a clean space and the car is the hero of the photo. Which one do you think will get the most attention?

Find a clean space, with no other cars around (make the car the hero), potentially in a grassy background or with a plain white background and start taking your photos.

How to take great car photos - LetsDoCars

How to take great car photos

Now you are ready to take your photos. The below is a summary of pro tips on how to maximise the potential of your car by following these simple steps:

    • Move at least 4 meters away from the car. There is nothing worst than looking at adverts of a car and you see its bonnet or just a panel of the car. Take steps backwards and show the whole car.
    • Each photo should have the whole car.
    • Always take photos in Landscape orientation. Do not just use your phones camera in a normal position. Turn your phone sideways and then take the photos.
    • Take 360 degree photos of your car. That is, 7 photos, around your car. Take a look at Luscombe Motors who have perfected this art:
    • Start from the front,
    • then the front-right,
    • move to the side-right
    • then to the back-right
    • show the back of the car
    • back-left
    • side-left
    • front-left

For the interior:

  • Your front wheels should be slightly tilted to the right hand side. It give the car a more aggressive and appealing look.
  • Take at least two photos of your rims. This is in order to show the condition of the wheels.
  • Show special featured of the exterior i.e. badges, spoilers, cosmetic additions. Things that a customer would be attracted to.


There are specific times during the day that suit best for car photography. Ideally, you want to take photos either early in the morning, for example between 9-10 am or later in the afternoon, around 6-7 pm (golden hour).

Never, ever, take photos with direct sunlight above the car or during the night. It is self explanatory but with direct sunlight, there are many shadows which means angles and features of your car cannot be seen. It is much harder for a potential buyer to judge the quality of the car, if they cannot actually see it.

Same applies for night photos. Never do that. How often did you buy a car at night? Or how often do you open adverts with night photographs? Never. So simply do not do that.


Many times, a lower light caused by a cloudy sky can help with hiding any unwanted shadows and soften the overall photo, aim to take your photos on a sunny or partially clouded day. Your car will look a lot better with some warm Cypriot sunlight but it also helps the overall mood of the photographs.

How to take great car photos - LetsDoCars


Using a tripod can go a long way. It is surprisingly easy to use and it will stabilise your photos ensuring a certain quality of them. Also, you can select a specific height (Depending of the type of car you are photographing) and take all your photos on that height, again, ensuring seeming less quality of your photographs.

Another really good benefit of the tripod is that it slows down the overall process and forces you to pay closer attention to what you do, how you do it and the quality of the photos you are taking. This is one of the best automotive photography tips to ensure you have great photos.

What would you be looking for?

When taking the photos of your car, ask yourself, “what would I be looking for” if I wanted to buy this car? Use the answer to guide you on what to actually photograph. Show the best featured of your car but do not hide any faulty features. The worst thing you can do is lie about the car and waste yours and potential buyers time.


There are many typical shots people expect nowadays to see when browsing for a car. Having said that, many sellers, only show those photos, typically one or two from the front of the car, a couple of the rear of the car and a few of the interior. You can easily go over and above and add a lot more variety to your advert with a lot more photos of the interior and exterior of the car and also all of its special features. It will honestly massively differentiate you and highly increase the probability of you selling your car quickly.

Prepare to send more photos

It is very frequent that potential buyers request to see more photos of the car and potentially a video demonstration as well. This is mainly done of you have not done a good job taking photos or if a buyer is actually and seriously interested. Typically they request specific areas of the cars and the buyers are mainly looking for extra features the car may have such us upgraded stereo system, leather seats, spoilers, the wheels/rims of the car etc. Once again, if a potential customer requests more photos, do not be shy. Take as many photos as possible following the above principles and send them through.


Good car photographs should be the number one priority to anyone who wants to sell their car, especially if it needs to be done quickly. It is the single most important reason a potential buyer will click on your advert, it is what attracts their eye, especially if there are many other similar cars like yours in the market for sale.

Take your time to prepare the car, find a good location and start taking photos at the appropriate time. Take as many photographs of the exterior and interior clearly showing the extra or best features of your car. And lastly, take a few more photos in order to send to potential requests from buyers for more photos.

This is not a comprehensive guide and you can read more articles on this from below:

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