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Dealership Packages

Partner Program

€19.99 per month subscription

Even Lower Prices

Dealer Page with all your cars

Receive Car Requests from customers

Dedicated Account Support

Easy to use stock management

Show your cars in more page results

Verified Dealer Badge


Link to your website and address


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Bespoke Package - LetsDoCars

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Our Dealer Partner Program

It truly depends on the size of your dealership, the volume of cars you sell and how serious you are about it.

For dealerships which sell more than 5 cars a month, the Partner program is the one to have.

The Partner program should not be considered as a cost but rather as an investment in your business. or the cost of a donner and a couple of coffees, you get full access and privileges to one of the best car advertising platforms in Cyprus. Unlock even more potential by expanding the avenues you do business with.

For a small monthly subscription, you can advertise all of your stock even lower prices and no limits on the number or cars you can upload. At LetsDoCars, we keep it simple.

You will get dedicated LetsDoCars account support who can assist you on every step of the way, from initial set-up, to advert creation, stock management and general queries.

You will be able to receive Car Requests submitted from customers. So if you do have a car in stock which could possibly fit our customer's needs, you can contact them with your offer. With this, you can sell your stock across Cyprus, to customers who most likely would not even know you had such a car untapping even more potential for your business.

A dedicated page for your dealership will be created in LetsDoCars, where you can showcase your dealership, its location, your full stock and business hours.

For dealers who are serious about what they do, the Partner program is the one to go for. Let us become your advertising partners and you concentrate on your stock and how you present it.

For a minimal monthly subscription, you can advertise all of your stock with even lower prices and no limits on the number or cars you can upload. At LetsDoCars, we keep it simple.

You will provide dedicated LetsDoCars account support who can assist and answer your questions on every step of the way, from initial set-up, to advert creation, stock management and general queries.

You will be able to receive Car Requests submitted from customers. So if you do have a car in stock which could possibly fit our customer's needs, you can contact them with your offer. With this, you can sell your stock across Cyprus, to customers who most likely would not even know you had such a car, untapping even more potential for your business.

A dedicated page for your dealership will be created in LetsDoCars, where you can showcase your dealership, its location, your full stock and business hours.

With the Partner program, the benefits highly out-weight the minimal monthly cost. For the cost of a donner and a couple of coffees, you get full access and privileges to one of the best car advertising platforms in Cyprus.

The Partner program has been specifically designed for everyone, regardless of the size of your dealership. Its main purpose is to provide an easy and modern way for your customers to find their ideal car.

Our advise is that for dealerships which sell more than 5 cars a month or anyone who is serious about what they do and are looking at increasing the avenues they do business with, the Partner program is the one to have.

With its minimal monthly subscription cost, the Partner program should not be considered as a cost to the business but rather as an investment. Unlock even more potential of your dealership and let us bring the customers to you.

For dealers who are serious about what they do and want a cost-effective and easy-to-use platform to advertise their stock, the Partner program is the place to be. Let us be your partners and you can concentrate on your stock and how you present it.

You can join the Partner program here and right now.

Simply click on the "Join Us" button above, set your subscription and that is it. You can immediately start enjoying all that LetsDoCars has to offer.

Contact us and Join us

Dealership Name *
Dealership Phone Number
Email to be contacted at *
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