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Stop drunk drivers from General Motors

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The phenomenon is common and universal. Drunkenness is one of the main factors responsible for injuries or even deaths from traffic accidents and accidents.

The authorities’ efforts to limit it, through breathalyzers, are not sufficient as it is impossible to check all drivers at all times. Of course, there are few who choose not to drink before driving.

Most of them prefer… “superman” and will find themselves behind the wheel of their car after consuming alcohol.

In the effort to limit the phenomenon, the car manufacturers are trying to get involved, trying to comply with the relevant legislation.

From time to time, the process of developing relevant technological solutions that will prevent or prevent driving by someone who has exceeded the legal amount of alcohol in their system is announced.

Recently, Mary Barra, CEO of General Motors, announced that the American giant is developing a new system that will “smell” alcohol from the driver’s breath.

In a speech at a related event held in Washington, the company’s top executive said it is going to apply it to its new passenger and business models when it is ready.

As he said, if this registers that the driver has exceeded the limit it will not allow the car to start moving and will remain where it is parked.

Her announcement came after people at the US Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (“NHTSA”) urged US automakers to develop systems and incorporate them into their new cars to prevent driving from drunk.

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